Youth and College Camp 2016

3 min readJul 14, 2016

Why join a camp?

Aside from the fact that it’s crazy fun, camping allows you to get away from the distractions and busy-ness of life so that you can re-center yourself to Jesus. More than that, it is also an opportunity to connect and build relationship with fellow Christians to strengthen community and accountability.

As a first timer, that’s the best way I can summarize the purpose of the camp. I’ve never been to camps when I was a student and it feels like I missed a lot of opportunities. One of the things I wish I had when I was in college is a “big brother” whom I can share my troubles, and seek Godly advice. College is crucial because this is the stage where we’re young to immaturely do crazy things, but old enough to be held liable to it. Guidance from someone who already survived college would be an advantage.

Camps is not only beneficial for campers, but also for the teachers and organizers. If I was invited two years ago, I am 100% sure that I won’t or can’t go because of, you guessed it, work. Work was my number one priority. My definition of productivity lies at our company’s bottom line. But as I grow in my walk with Christ, He repeatedly showed me that business is just a tool. I realized He gave us the flexibility of time through the businesses we have, so that we can be present for His calling in ministry. Joining the camp allowed me to exercise my faith of taking care His business, while He takes care of mine. Camps gave me the opportunity to become a teacher, and a student at the same time.

